Connect Outdoors is an educational hiking programme. We all know the benefits that the outdoors can have on our mental and physical health, but many people find it difficult to get outdoors for a variety of reasons. We want to change this. We want to help people connect with the outdoors, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual identity, physical ability or personal circumstances. We want to show people who are new to the outdoors how they can interact with wild places, responsibly.
The first session is about getting to know each other. Before heading out on our first walk, we will introduce the Connect Outdoors partnership and highlight what we hope to achieve together.
In the Gear and Maintenance session we will explore what gear is essential for outdoor activities. We will learn how to pick gear, discover the ins and outs of using gear and cover tips to make your gear last longer.
We want to promote environmentally conscious engagement with the outdoors. In our Conservation session, we will discuss the main threats to wild places in Scotland and share actions to take during future hikes that can make a positive difference.
In the Weather and Safety session we will learn about staying safe in the outdoors. We will discover core safety issues in the mountains, how to prepare and behave for a safe outdoor adventure and what to do when faced with weather-related safety challenges.
The Navigation Session will cover the key navigation tools, including how to read a map and follow a compass bearing. We will also introduce the OS Maps App and provide exercises to practice these skills for future hikes.
The final expedition will put your new skills into practice as we achieve our biggest hike yet. We will explore what important leadership skills are in the outdoors and prepare you for your future adventures.
Calling all not-for-profit organisations who represent a community or individuals facing barriers to outdoor participation in Scotland! This programme is delivered free of charge and consists of weekly hikes for groups of up to 10 adults. “I think because you're more confident now. You know more about hiking, that your body is more resilient for this, and you can make something even harder than before.” (Connect Outdoors Participant, Autumn 2024)
Delivery Partners
Our mission is to champion inclusion and engagement with wild places in Scotland. This is a big mission, and we can't do it alone. We are working with a number of partners, including charities and brands, to help deliver our vision of a Scottish outdoors where everyone feels they belong.