We joined seasoned riders Louise and Niamh to test out Endura’s MT500 Winter range. Discover both riders' honest opinions, favourite features, and why they trust Endura to tackle any trail.
Looking for outdoor gear that can handle whatever nature throws your way? Look no further! The Tiso team joined forces with Beyond Adventure to put our GORE-TEX products through their paces on a local micro-expedition across Scotland’s breathtaking landscapes.
We recently ventured onto the stunning Cairngorm plateau with Colin to explore the beauty and challenges of winter mountaineering. Colin shared his passion for the Scottish hills and highlighted the incredible opportunities they offer during the winter months.
Join Emilia at Glenmore Lodge as she explores their winter skills courses, supported by Rab gear. In partnership with Rab, Glenmore Lodge ensures participants are equipped for the unpredictable Scottish Highlands. Emilia, guided by instructor Swifty, learns the essentials of planning, preparing...
Follow us as we join writer and outdoorsman Guy Grieve for a night at Sawney Bean’s Cave, nestled in an eerily isolated part of the Ayrshire coast, listening to him tell the grizzly tale of this infamous Scottish landmark.
Where better to test out Merrell’s Moab Speed 2s than the Elie Chain Walk, a via ferrata route just an hour away from Edinburgh. Today, Emilia is testing out the Moab Speed 2s for their grippiness, comfort and stability, all whilst taking in the beautiful coastal landscapes and fresh sea air.
Join us as we venture around Glencoe with Tim and Amy, spending every moment they can exploring the glory and beauty of the Scottish Highlands, kitted out with weatherproof GORE-TEX® gear.
Markus Eder, The North Face Athlete and World Champion Freeskier, sits down with us in Edinburgh for an exclusive interview regarding his much awaited film, Circle of Madness.
Can Patagonia’s PFC-free waterproof jackets survive the Scottish summer rain? Join Bruce and Emilia for a rainy hill walk in the Pentlands as they test out some Patagonia waterproof jackets!
Whether you are a seasoned pro or a complete newbie, we all make mistakes in the outdoors. Luckily, Emilia and Bruce are on hand to help you avoid them!
Dip into our history in this interview with our co-founder Maude and CEO Chris as they reflect on Tiso’s relationship with the well-renowned brand, Berghaus. Two quintessentially British brands, working together with shared ambitions of innovation and high-quality products for customers who call...
Mountain biking for your Mental Health.” – We at Alpine Bikes teamed up with Louise, an avid mountain biker and coach as she explains and demonstrates the positive impacts that mountain biking has had on her mental health over the years.